
  • «Rain, steam and speed»
    (1994) for Vn, Vc and Cb
«Boids -an apostil to "Brains" (2017)-»
(2018) for string quartet

Kronos Performing Arts Association Commission
for Kronos Quartet's "Fifty for Future" project
First performance: January 25, 2019, 20h
Zellerbach Hall, Berkeley, California
 Kronos Quartet
Duration: 3~4 minutes

“In Boids, the violins and viola each have scales that represent
'personalities'—chromatic, whole tone, and pentatonic—that all swim together in the same direction to create the
sense of a flock. Each strike from the cello is a stone thrown into the water: after each pizz the 'fish' disperse, but
eventually they begin to flock together anew.”
The score is free to download: 