2014 / Neos / mdi ensemble

Darmstadt 2000: Internationale Ferienkurse
40. Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik Darmstadt
World Premiere Recordings
Kalitzke, Johannes (*1959)
Cruxification II (1999) · New Version
Four Choral Preludes for large Orchestra
based upon "Christ ist erstanden"
Berliner Sinfonie-Orchester • J. Kalitzke, conductor
Oehring, Helmut (*1961)
Philipp (1998/99) for solo trombone
Uwe Dierksen, trombone
Mochizuki, Misato (*1969)
Pas à pas (2000) for bassoon and accordeon
Pascal Gallois, bassoon • Teodoro Anzellotti, accordeon
Mundry, Isabel (*1963)
Traces des moments (2000)
for accordeon, clarinet, violin, viola, and cello
ensemble recherche • Teodoro Anzellotti, accordeon
Pritchard, Alwynne (*1968)
Invisible Cities (1999) for piano
Nicolas Hodges, piano
Walshe, Jennifer (*1974)
as mo cheann for voice (and stones) and violin
Jennifer Walshe, voice • David Ryther, violin