2014 / Neos / mdi ensemble

Une association étonnante: koto et flute à bec. Sur ce CD, on fait des découvertes inhabituelles, des compositions spécialement écrites pour les deux artistes, des sonorités originales.
Erwin Koch-Raphael (*1949) 02:13
Composition No. 60 “shogo/noonday” I
for recorder and koto (2005)
Annette Schlünz (*1964) 12:10
Light from the one
for recorder and 17-string bass koto (2006)
Yatsuhashi Kengyô (1614–1685) 05:34
Rokudan no Shirabe
for recorder and koto
Dokyoku School 05:01
Yamagoe (traditional, 13th century)
arr. for recorder solo by Jeremias Schwarzer
Yuji Takahashi (*1938) 06:19
koto nado asobi
version for koto, recorder and shamisen (2000)
Misato Mochizuki (*1969) 07:32
for recorder and 21-string koto (2005)
Dokyoku School 03:54
Daha (traditional, 13th century)
arr. for recorder solo by Jeremias Schwarzer
Erwin Koch-Raphael (*1949) 02:31
Composition No. 60 “shogo/noonday” II & III
for koto (2005)
Yuji Takahashi (*1938) 06:35
recorder nado asobi
version for recorder, bass koto and 21-string koto (2000)
Toshio Hosokawa (*1955) 09:56
for bass koto (1982)
Toshio Hosokawa (*1955) 08:20
for recorder and koto (2009)
total time: 70:06
Makiko Goto, koto
13-string koto [01] · [08] · [11]
21-string koto [06] · [09]
bass koto [02] · [10] · [05]
Jeremias Schwarzer, recorder
tenor recorder after Ganassi (a=466 Hz) by Ernst Meyer, Paris [01] · [08] · [07]
voice flute after Bressan (a=415 Hz) by Fred Morgan, Australia [06]
voice flute after Bressan (a=392 Hz) by Ernst Meyer, Paris [02] · [03] · [11]
soprano recorder after early Baroque models (a=440 Hz) by Andreas Schwob, Switzerland [02] · [05]
bass recorder by Yamaha [02]
great bass recorder by Herbert Paetzold, Germany [04] · [05]